What is User Experience (UX)?

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What is User Experience (UX)?
What is User Experience (UX)? Introduction to the UX/UI Universe
According to the international definition, User Experience; It is defined as “person's perceptions and reactions resulting from the use and anticipated use of a product, system or service”. In simpler terms, it covers all aspects of the end user's interaction with services and products. Although the two concepts see the same evaluation in the UX/UI universe, it is an indisputable fact that they are different from each other.

User Interface (UI) is about the visual design created by the user's wishes, and User Experience (UX) is about analyzing what the user needs and planning accordingly.

The first requirement for a good user experience (UX) starts with meeting the precise needs of customers. You may have confusion about where to start as a designer. You may need a bit of roadmap and a bit of brainstorming to overcome this.

Roadmap for UX
Peter Morville, who has done pioneering work in the fields of Information Architecture and UX, offers a roadmap to UX designers with the UX Honeycomb diagram he made to simplify their work in the field of UX. This diagram is intended to avoid confusion and confusion for UX designers.

Useful, Not every designer agrees to wander within the boundaries drawn by their manager. Courage and creativity must be at the forefront to question whether products and systems are useful and to implement more useful innovative solutions.

Usable, Ease of use is vital in designs. However, interface-centered designs in human-computer interaction are not enough to handle all dimensions in web design. In short, usability is necessary but not sufficient.

Desirable The visual aesthetics of the product and system must have an attractive and desirable appearance. The design should be made minimally, easily and by examining it to the smallest point in every application area.

Findable, navigable websites and relocatable objects should be designed. This will make it easier for users to find what they need.

Accessible: Approximately 10% of the world's population is disabled, and designs, elevators and ramps in the same buildings, as well as websites must be accessible to people with disabilities.

Credible (Reliability), It is necessary to make the user feel that the designs are safe. Designs should be created accordingly, without forgetting that it is an indispensable element for today's internet world.

Valuable: It is very important that the designed product or service provides a value. It is important that the product or service you design has a valuable counterpart, in terms of adding value to both the product and service you design and your career and professional goals.

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